On Exadata Database Machine you can configure the following Compute Node and Storage Cell attributes to setup the database server and Storage cells to send notifications about alerts.
- smtpServer
- smtpFrom
- smtpFromAddr
- smtpToAddr
- snmpSubscriber
- notificationMethod
- notificationPolicy
In this article we will demonstrate how to setup the database server and Storage cells to send notifications about alerts
Compute Nodes:
Configure Compute nodes SMTP email notification for alerts. This can be accomplished using dbmcli alter dbserver command
# Compute node 1
DBMCLI>alter dbserver smtpFrom='Exadata - dm01db01'
DBMCLI>alter dbserver smtpFromAddr='dbmadmin@dm01db01.netsoftmate.com'
DBMCLI>alter dbserver smtpToAddr='oradba@netsoftmate.com'
DBMCLI>alter dbserver smtpServer='smtp.server'
DBMCLI>alter dbserver snmpSubscriber=((host=,port=162,community=public,type=ASR))
DBMCLI>alter dbserver notificationPolicy='critical,warning,clear'
DBMCLI>alter dbserver notificationMethod='mail,snmp'
DBMCLI>alter dbserver validate mail
Or you can use the following command
DBMCLI>alter dbserver smtpFrom='Exadata - dm01db01', smtpFromAddr='dbmadmin@dm01db01.netsoftmate.com', smtpToAddr='oradba@netsoftmate.com', smtpServer='smtp.server', snmpSubscriber='host=,port=162,community=public,type=ASR', notificationPolicy='critical,warning,clear', notificationMethod='mail,snmp'
DBMCLI>alter dbserver validate mail
*** Repeat the above step for all the Compute nodes in the cluster.
# verify
# dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l root "dbmcli -e 'list dbserver detail' | grep smtpFrom"
# dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l root "dbmcli -e 'list dbserver detail' | grep smtpFromAddr"
# dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l root "dbmcli -e 'list dbserver detail' | grep smtpToAddr"
# dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l root "dbmcli -e 'list dbserver detail' | grep smtpServer"
# dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l root "dbmcli -e 'list dbserver detail' | grep notificationMethod"
or use the following command
# dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l root "dbmcli -e 'list dbserver detail' | egrep '(smtpFrom|smtpFromAddr|smtpToAddr|smtpServer|notificationMethod)'"
Storage Cells:
Configure Compute nodes SMTP email notification for alerts. This can be accomplished using cellcli alter cell command
# Storage Cell 01
CELLCLI>alter cell smtpFrom='Exadata - dm01cel01'
CELLCLI>alter cell smtpFromAddr='celladmin@dm01cel01.netsoftmate.com'
CELLCLI>alter cell smtpToAddr='oradba@netsoftmate.com'
CELLCLI>alter cell smtpServer='smtp.server'
CELLCLI>alter cell snmpSubscriber=((host=,port=162,community=public,type=ASR))
CELLCLI>alter dbserver notificationPolicy='critical,warning,clear'
CELLCLI>alter cell notificationMethod='mail,snmp'
CELLCLI>alter cell validate mail
or you can also use the following command
CELLCLI>alter cell smtpFrom='Exadata - dm01cel01', smtpFromAddr='celladmin@dm01cel01.netsoftmate.com', smtpToAddr='oradba@netsoftmate.com', smtpServer='smtp.server', notificationMethod='mail,snmp'
CELLCLI>alter cell validate mail
# Verify
# dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root "dbmcli -e 'list cell detail' | grep smtpFrom"
# dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root "dbmcli -e 'list cell detail' | grep smtpFromAddr"
# dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root "dbmcli -e 'list cell detail' | grep smtpToAddr"
# dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root "dbmcli -e 'list cell detail' | grep smtpServer"
# dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root "dbmcli -e 'list cell detail' | grep notificationMethod"
or you can use the following command
# dcli -g ~/cell_group -l root "cellcli -e 'list cell detail' | egrep '(smtpFrom|smtpFromAddr|smtpToAddr|smtpServer|notificationMethod)'"
*** Repeat the above step for all the Storage Cells in the cluster.
In this article we have learned how to Configure Compute nodes and Storage Cell SMTP email notification for alerts.